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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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turkey and syria as closer to conflict with a fresh exchange of shelling across the border as ankara warns that war isn't far off. bahraini police used tear gas and water cannon after crowds of pro-democracy protesters descend of the nation's capital to push for more rights and enter oil. and russia demands justice for a twenty four year old student beaten have to test a canadian detention center. and as a venezuela's outspoken socialist leader and his young democratic rival gear up for sunday's neck to neck presidential poll we look at their track record and the mood of the nation.
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and the russian capital watching our team with. turkey has warned syria against making what it calls a fatal mistake by repeating strikes across the border turkey fired back on friday after another mortar struck its territory from syria now casualties have been reported in the latest exchange which comes just days after five turkish civilians were killed by syrian shelling officials say the two countries are close to all out war with anger and now authorized by its lawmakers to sand troops into syria if necessary for many years including russia calling for calm and restraint this comes as fighting between government forces and rebels intensifies across syria with insurgents claiming to have a tap shot down a military helicopter and a jet author and journalist have seen returns he says damascus will retaliate if
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pulled into. broader conflict. we're getting these reports of this continued as it were a reaction from the judge government ok so a good one will face political problems at home but then why were they speaking with the iranians so in the past few hours talking about how this needs a diplomatic solution not a military one if turkey continue under the rule that under the agreements made in vote this would draw in a way to situation of why that is your old war and terrorists expanding it. to be below syria and the people of turkey will not benefit from this major says that they'll defend any nato member if turkey continue like this like syria might see itself getting increasingly desperate and retaliate with full force then it's up to the united states and britain and europe we had a major allies just figure out what to do. r.t. also spoke to the iraqi prime minister to get his stance on the development of the
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syrian conflict his interview and more extensive analysis her to plus a small farmer taking on a biotech giant as the u.s. supreme court agrees to review his appeal had a line for details. police have used water cannon and tear gas to disperse hundreds of pro-reform demonstrators in bahrain's capital manama protesters were marching in a funeral procession for an activist who died in prison after allegedly being denied proper medical treatment people in the crowd began throwing rocks and petrol bombs when security officers tried to stop them sorties have been cracking down on the opposition for twenty months but sauza is continue hitting the streets demanding equal rights and an end to the sunni moderates the former m.p.'s side says there's hypocrisy in the way the west react to them dressed in bahrain. the problem the double standard which practiced. by all those who stood and gantries.
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a new concept on those regimes who. let's say we each relationship with them or probably they consider them as enemies but like it's a part of the system they have roofs off relationships they give them some let's say support. as one throws they take some for presidencies they have the only for a lot of countries doubts or why they ignore the old what's happening here although it's not clear. what's happening somewhere else and protests have also erupted in jordan where a sow's of opposition supporters have been demanding with form and more representation in parliament the rally was organized by the islamist muslim brotherhood party the largest opposition group in the country supposedly or has
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a story. people have had very strong demands and a lot of criticism against the jordanian government they're calling for constitutional reforms to be implemented they're calling for a fair electoral law they want to see all political prisoners released and at the same time they're also saying that government needs to reach out corruption now this is a protest that has attracted not only brotherhood supporters the police is on high and gone all the roads leading here have been closed since the early hours of friday morning the king is well aware of the mood on the streets and that is why he is calling for early elections at the end of this year but the brotherhood is away he said that it plans to boycott those elections the arab spring which began back in january last year has largely bypassed the hashemite kingdom this is seen as a relatively stable country in an extremely unstable region the question now though is just what is going to be the extent of the influence of the brotherhood beyond egypt and other countries where it has already come to the fall judging by the mood and judging by the turnout of the brotherhood it does seem as if the brotherhood
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support is in for the long haul we are likely to see more demonstrations like this in the jordanian capital policia r.t. amman jordan a twenty four year old rushes to the remains in critical condition after being brutally beaten in a canadian detention center two months ago dennis tell a cough was arrested after he allegedly threatened another student russia's foreign ministry has demanded an investigation into the incident. have yet to bring any charges in relation to the assault telecom history or interim on of a believes canadian authorities are being negligent. first. very often in fact when you know we are and it's been our last. accident with a need in this. is the worst i mean condition are well even though later. you have started. to call your car is still far away.
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so it's very slow in coming going and going to heaven didn't try to reach even worse they found if you know they're not commanding anything in the absolutely are not helping with how to do is you know to give you a little bit in life. it is there are. really hard in here you might not qualify because he. doesn't plan either but there are the social governmental programs in that you can use that you have to be in for some endeavor to begin with where the calendar the you know i don't need money or whatever i want to be back to normal life i want him outside of canada. you're watching live from moscow still have for you in a program crime and seizure and we reported on how innocent londoners are facing multiple fine simply for leading their everyday lives. plus wall street insiders
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lana just sciri warrant for blowing the whistle but others who don't serve washington's interests aren't so lucky all the details in just a few moments. my parents really truly honestly believe that what had happened was as a result of my father's exposure to agent orange i was born with multiple problems . i was missing my leg. and my fingers in my big toe on my right foot i use my hands a lot in my artwork i find myself drawing my hands quite a bit to me they're my hands you know just as if anyone would but they do tell a story they tell a story of. their oxen. to
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be soo much brighter than. me bounce from funds to freshen. stunts on t.v. don't comb. welcome back you're watching r t after months of landless election campaigning venezuela and there is a day of silence ahead of sunday's presidential poll the latest opinion figures
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suggest currently or which august is and is in for his toughest political battle since assuming office in early one nine hundred ninety nine well here's our team from caracas with a full picture of the pre-election drama. i there's no question who these venezuelans will be voting for coming seventh ever since we are here because we support our president chavez he does many things to help us housing education programs helping the poor everything here has gotten a lot better because of him everything has changed was their red shirts brand them as the lifeblood of the venezuelan president's leftist movement through out his fourteen years in power for the hundreds of thousands of supporters who gathered in caucus on thursday the message was clear they want six more years of. his supporters say that chavez is the country's first president to genuinely care about the lower class thank god i think chavez is the punishment of the rich and
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the window of hope to. them. under the banner of socialism for the twenty first century chavez has pumped hundreds of billions of petro dollars into the economy and government run aid programs along with earning him popular support poverty has fallen from fifty percent in one thousand nine hundred nine to around thirty percent last year yet life in this country is far from ideal and with the plague of unemployment crime and corruption many venezuelans are now saying it's time for shoppers to go i got it because i want to be for chavez but he's done his best community change. in this race change means a vote for opposition leader in the us a forty year old lawyer who unlike chavez enjoyed a privileged upbringing. the son of a wealthy family that controls a media conglomerate and a chain of movie theaters says against supporters by promising to combat crime unemployment and corruption but opponents have charged that the previous is
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deliberately hiding his real economic goals the candidates are. secretly the work of the chavez is a man of people he's come from this kind of poverty and now works hard. exchange and the other kid reading these days is a man of the wealthy and the elite of the guard if you will into the man privatization the only. good man austerity is it's a choice between two radically different worldviews a referendum and then as well as socialist experiment. in just the way i. see cap'n up i'd see. the us media coverage of the election in venezuela has been criticized as one sided against either thomas and author and al as bill fletcher says the incumbent leader is ideology has long been a headache for washington it is because president chavez from the very beginning
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has been asserting the sovereignty of venezuela the desire to change the economic rules and this runs counter to the economic philosophy that comes are the united states so no matter what chavez has done at different points he ends up lame there's some sort of demon and we can remember in a coup of two thousand and two for us was quick to recognize the coup people and quick to denounce charges venezuela could be an example for other countries i mean here you have a country that is seeing that neo liberal economics is failing the plan or that the polarization of wealth which we see not just in one country not just in two countries but globally is completely toxic it must be addressed and that there must be a redistribution of wealth there and companies cannot run roughshod over the rest of the planet i mean this is antithetical to what's been known as the washington
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consensus so in that sense they receive a president chavez. as a threat. now take a look at some other stories from around the world. a mass rally is set to take part in venice as people call for the regions in the pans from rome and this comes after violent clashes between students and the police broke out in several italian cities in the latest show of anger against prime minister mario monti spending cuts despite government efforts italy continues to slide deeper into recession with the youth unemployment rate at thirty five percent. the u.s. defense secretary leon panetta has lashed out of the afghan president saying the country's leader should thank nato forces for fighting and dying for his country he was responding to complaints this thursday that washington is failing to go after militants based in pakistan the route comes as the alliance continues to suffer
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so-called insider attacks in which afghans turn their guns and coalition troops some two thousand u.s. soldiers have lost their lives since the war began in two thousand and one. the world's top platinum producer has fired twelve thousand employees who are striking over wages in south africa it's an attempt to choke a wave of mass walkouts that seen the firm suffer a loss of over eighty million u.s. dollars the country's mining industry has been plagued by wildcat protests with some resulting in deaths thirty four workers were killed during bloody clashes in august. muslim cleric abu hamza and four other alleged terrorists have been flown to the u.s. after a ruling by british court the group had appealed their extradition to america saying they could face inhumane treatment there but their request was dismissed. faces eleven charges in the u.s. including allegations he was planning a terror training camp there and that he'd assisted hostage taking in yemen.
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drinking dog walking even feeding the birds all activities now considered criminal in hundreds of london's parks the move has been slammed by. civil liberties groups as an attack on personal freedoms while the government insists the ban is in place to tackle anti-social behavior are just our first has more here in this park in london and if you all found drinking alcohol or growing up all or even feeding the pigeons you could inadvertently be committing a criminal or civil offense surprised will serve a lot of people we're joined now by. the creator of the google maps banned in london which sets out the people these zones in london where you could commit an offense the century for these activities that most people wouldn't she writes she pretty looted can you tell us more about what sort of things people should be looking out exactly and i think all these activities are things people consider to be quite ordinary so handing out leaflets having
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a drink in the park with your friends walking your dog we realise that over the past few years you've seen the growth of zones where quite ordinary activities are prohibited the banned in london map shows a will paying four hundred thirty five these predication zones and tackling and she say she behavior the might of been a good policy idea in theory has people say and it up a very bad policy in practice meaning hardline crackdowns on the soft this of misdemeanors disconcertingly many bars in london have now hired private contractors to carry out the enforcement of these fines phil morris knows all about the after his local council hired at school services he received an eighty pound penalty for dropping a cigarette butt and that he maintains he didn't know it was illegal he refused to pay two for weeks later. for.
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the just to excell the private security and surveillance of the ming provide is a so-called in full sprint offices in the u.k. contracted by some local councils first off the kitted out with cameras and uniforms but their tactics of pursuing these fines often seem phone from professional or local store was. a little sleep with mine. when the white. people we asked phil's local council for their response they told r.t. these new offices back up our support for the public who fed up with the actions of the minority who litter and move in their dog fouls. are litter and not get paid unless the issue of find appropriately x. will only get paid if they find someone to find a fact confirmed by a glance at their website which just shows local councils that their service is
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risk free and they won't charge and less the penalty and surprising that the areas where it's full have been hired has seen a massive increase in the number of fines that irish eat and there's now concern over whether that is fair or ethical i'm sad about accountability the transparency i recently dealt in the home affairs select committee which looks at these issues with a case of the law on the bar of new and which has law enforcement officers who are in fact cops officials but dress up like police i've been promised that my question is going to look into it because it's it's actually i think a criminal activity to pretend to be a police officer when you're not and i'm very concerned about how about that trend is going i think in the past it would be assumes that people knew the law that it was reasonable and so long as you weren't creating a problem then you could do what you like but increasingly it seems that that is no longer the case these findings may be surprising for sun but the truth is these types of laws in offenses have been creeping up on us the some time now and they're
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actually growing in number so also the moment you can enjoy the parks in london but every day do not feed in tariff. and also take on this hour here on r.t.e. pre-election excitement. so tired of all of it you know i mean it's almost like it's more than twenty four hours of coverage. everything on the eve of the u.s. presidential elections we ask the people in america how they feel about the upcoming race. as the race for the u.s. presidency enters its final full months barack obama and mitt romney are betting on the economy as a bargaining chip with voters obama's posting of his success and cracking down on fraud was help from wall street insiders who make a killing by spilling the beans and other whistleblowers received very different treatment from washington as christine for now reports. corporate greed on wall
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street is an issue that's been center stage ever since the financial meltdown of two thousand and eight now voices on both the right and the left have tried to find ways to deal with the fallout the bottom line here is that there have been some measures taken to try to deal with corporate fraud and abuse one strategy has been to try to lure insiders or whistleblowers to come forward and report what they've seen and even if they've been part of that illegal activity to reward them how much of this goes back to dodd frank a piece of legislation which addresses a number of issues one of them gives incentives to whistleblowers to report those policies which inevitably do harm to customers and taxpayers alike even if they do rake in a whole lot of money for those at the top so as you can imagine that most of wall street is not in favor of this here's what governor romney thinks about these stricter penalties and about dodd frank overall. when you increase the
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number of regulations that are rates three times that of his predecessor with a bill like the trick that makes it harder for small banks to grow and thrive and make loans you don't have jumps president obama on the other hand it wants to stay the course cracking down on fraud and holding those big banks accountable when we learn that a major bank has serious problems we will hold accountable those responsible force the necessary adjustments provide the support to clean up their balance sheets and assure the continuity of the strong buy of the institution that can serve our people and our economy all right this is where things get interesting the lawyers representing some of those corporate whistleblowers are supporting the president they've already raised about three million dollars for him according to this new york times report since president obama has been in office the government has paid out about one point six million dollars to corporate whistleblowers in many cases a law firms are the big winners. taking a cut of about forty percent of the proceeds and i want to be clear this is by no
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means a rant on corporate whistleblowers it just leads to a question very few people seem to be asking what about the other whistleblowers the ones the government has taken issue with here are just a few examples thomas drake a former executive with the national security agency who made public a secret program in which the n.s.a. with illegally spying on its citizens was charged by the government under the espionage act so too was john kiriakou who disclosed information that waterboarding was being used as an interrogation technique and of course there's bradley manning the accused wiki leaks or who shared classified documents as well as that collateral murder video private manning of course a u.s. citizen and a military veteran who spoke up because he saw what he believed was wrongdoing and he reported it he's now been in prison nearly nine hundred days and much of that was in solitary confinement it's all well and good that
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a small group of lawyers are making a killing on those who report wrongdoing on wall street but what about those who report when their government is breaking the rules where is the bill and for that matter where are the backers for them just one important issue to look at as election day looms in washington christine for south r t meanwhile ban is being sued by chinese own company blocked by a president from buying a wind farm in america the chinese investors claim a bomb issued the order without any explanation it comes as the white house faces more pressure from the republicans to toughen up on beijing and some observers say obama simply trying to woo u.s. voters. the timing is somewhat suspicious just because the two presidential candidates. to outdo each other in demonizing china in this presidential campaign whichever candidate when president obama governor romney both
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you then have to. pay. for all the damage that has been incurred and rather unnecessarily so i think i think the american people understand the us generalisations far better candidates seem to think they understand and somehow they feel that putting this native cast on china is going to gain them votes and i don't believe that they're right. as a world weighs the possible outcomes of ambers us presidential ballot our presidents laurie harvested to the streets of new york to find out voters make to find out what voters make of the race so far. the two thousand and twelve presidential elections why are they so boring this week let's talk about that. so tired of all of it you know i mean it's almost like it's
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more than twenty four hours of coverage on everything you know no matter what happens and nothing happened exactly having said that i think obama's going to win do you think he believes in himself as much as he did four years ago because he seems kind of tired he seems like he's a little frustrated i think he's more tired of mitt romney and just all of this like he just wants to get it over to november and just like ok give me you know my polls and let me when he says bored with the elections as we are very much president obama was the first african-american president that was so exciting no it's boring me again i don't know if there's going to be as much of a turnout for voters this year are you going to vote absolutely we're talking about the election you know. i'm not american you haven't let me now yeah we don't we don't let a lot of americans vote too apparently why do you want to run don't you think either candidate can get it done i think there's too much corruption in the
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government i mean this should be important right. but how can it be a problem with money. there's no really a choice right it's one of the other and if but it's really a good option then what you do and the bush kerry kerry yeah i was just like like which one do i like the least ok i'll use the other a vote of the other one yeah yeah so it's kind of the same thing as two thousand and four that maybe it's just like one of those here the new times a new age you need to support the people of your country is very important so is that what there is that what's missing this year neither of them are really speaking to the people yes forty seven percent that came from romney now the thirty percent thing that came from ryan and. a lot of presidents telling us that they don't care about it right at this point a month away from elections i feel like they just wants to be to get it over with and they just want to hear more details and plans get it over with and get on with
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it and do something very well could they do things up. there are the smart ones with all the millions of dollars do you think they get put on a better show right for whether or not you think this election is boring the bottom line is we only have about a month until it's finally over and we can all gladly move on. then on the way are to toss a member of the u.k. parliament who risked his political career for exposing the truth about his country's mission in afghanistan.
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overcoming a barrier like this seems possible. but then you crave something. and when you reach the peak. you'll do whatever it takes to get on the top of the world on artie's.


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